Simplify Your Debt Collection

Third-Party Debt Collection Services

When accounts have been past due for more than 60 days, or customers are deliberately avoiding payment, we take a purposeful, human approach to resolve balances.

Our experienced team reaches out to customers by phone, skillfully negotiating to maximize payments without compromising your relationships. When necessary, we escalate to a written Demand Notice and legal action, as approved by your counsel.

Guided by integrity and empathy, we work to find a reasonable solution for you and your customer.

First-Party Early Intervention Services

Early intervention is the best way to manage past-due accounts and maximize payments on them. However, it
can be difficult to find the time to stay in regular
contact with customers regarding overdue balances.

Our first-party debt collection services are tailored to
quickly and easily resolve debts while maintaining good
relationships with your customers. A courteous reminder
letter of payments owed, sent in your name, often
motivates customers to settle their balance in full.
When payment is received, we send a thank you letter
on your behalf.

Throughout the process, we provide monthly updates,
and you can decide when to approve partial payments,
reduce balances, or suspend collections efforts.
Guided by integrity and empathy, we work to find a reasonable solution for you and your customer.

Additional Services

International Debt Collection — Resolving accounts professionally, around the globe.

Trace Services — Asset searches and remarketing, site visits.

Skip Tracing — Tracking down customers who could not be reached by phone or mail through advanced database searches by our private investigator business partners.

Attorney Forwarding — In the event that there is no response from a debtor, and after comparing expenses versus your profit, we will forward the claim to our partner attorney in their area to move forward with a demand notice and legal action.

Legal Action — An attorney will send a demand notice and contact the debtor for payment. They will then recommend proceeding with legal action or closing the file if it is uncollectible.

Post-Judgment Debt Collection — We exhaust all options to enforce debt collection following a judgment in the courts, including bank garnishment, sheriff sales, debtor’s exams, and so on.